Sunday, February 24, 2008



Hello Dear Fellow Rams. There were only three of us here Thursday night and we made a decision to “Go Green” and reduce our carbon footprint, in accordance with the goals of our Provincial Government. Meetings will now be just twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Same place and same time. Next meeting will be Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 p.m.

Bob read from his history of the jewellery business about Trailing and Waters. At one time their payday was Saturday morning, and the boss would offer employees a drink and ask if they wanted to play cards. And he often won back the money he had just paid them.

Margaret read from the Peabody collection. Marie tells Peasly and Peacock that the button had been found in Peobody’s pocket, and they accept her apology for having them treat the bird and the dog with laxatives, after which the bird took up swearing again. Peabody arrives and apologizes, too, and they all end up having a drink together.

I read Ann’s “Peacemakers”, which she had emailed me. It’s about a future genetically selective society in which fat people are preferred as they are considered more peaceful, something wanted after nuclear destruction. But the twist is their leader is secretly slim and fit, and wears a fat suit in public. Really funny.

I am currently looking at writing a synopsis of my novel for future attempts to have it published. Am still gathering information on how to do this. By what I see from looking at markets, everybody wants one in a different length (one page, two page, chapter by chapter). So that’s what I’m working on.

Enjoy all that gorgeous sunshine out there and I hope the extra dose of Vitamin D inspires all in their writing. Again, next meeting here at my place, Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you then.


Thursday, February 14, 2008


Here’s to my friends who answered the call
And met at The Ram’s Head, one and all
Writers, editors, poets, too
Such joy in knowing all of you.

My life was blessed when we came to meet
And brought our words to share and read
I’ve known for years, only a writer understands
The wrestle to express
Through pain and tears
All that we see and comprehend
Writing down in verse or line
Explaining life and love
In runes of time
To leave some proof that here we are
Who gather close from near and far
In praise of writing from the heart.

Convened together, we are a troupe
Here’s to The Ram’s Head Writers’ Group!

Lisa A. Hatton ©

Sunday, February 10, 2008



After another week that had another dump of snow that made travel treacherous, there were four of us who did get together Thursday night. Bob and Carolann were both wearing red for the Chinese New Year. I was the one who had forgotten all about that directive I had handed out last week. Shame on me.

Bob brought an article from the Vancouver Sun he had cut out that was written by our long distance member, John Ireland. It was in the Travel section, entitled “An Urban Gypsy’s Travel Log”. We assume it first appeared in The Calgary Herald, where John said he was working. Nice to know he’s still out there somewhere.

All three other members at the meeting brought me a copy of Today’s Senior Newsmagazine so I could read Gemma’s poem “My Valentine Gift” that was in their February issue. It’s about Gemma in a rush to get home with Valentine treats for her dogs.

I read first, the final chapter in my novel, “Fire”. It is a scene showing Fiona at her office contemplating all that has happened over the past four days. Tanner arrives and readers are left knowing they will have an ongoing relationship. Mystery has been solved, arsonist and arsonist/murderer caught, and romance kindled. Now I guess I have to start a rewrite.

Margaret read of Peasly and Peacock being very unhappy and disgusted while looking for the brass button in excrement of the bird and dog. Meanwhile, Peabody finds the button in the pocket of his cardigan. When he tells Marie, she slams the door in his face. He then catches the coffin train to the cemetery, eventually finding Laura Bell’s grave where he leaves the button. But as he leaves the cemetery, a bird flies off with the button.

Carolann read a poem called “Winter”. It was inspired by Elaine’s poem about the angel of winter. But in Carolann’s, winter is a male angel, and she is telling him to be gone. A sentiment we can all share at this time of year, I’m sure. She said she had a Valentine poem she’ll read this week, that was written last year at this time with the beginning that was started here at a meeting by a group of us, but we couldn’t finish it. So we had challenged others to write their own version, and some did just that and the results are posted on our website. Carolann wroter her version, but hadn’t done anything with it. So now we’ll get to hear it.

Next meeting here at my place, Thursday, February 14th at 7:00 p.m., Valentine’s Day. So does your Muse love Chocolate? Mine just dreams about it. Hope to see you Thursday.


Sunday, February 3, 2008



Only three stalwart writers made it to the meeting Thursday night. Bob and Margaret attended for the whole two hours, and Lynette showed up briefly to say hello and she dropped off some books. It was good to see her smiling face again. She says she thinks about us often, but just has too much on the go at the present time to attend. Elaine stayed home due to ice rain that was falling in her neck of the woods, and I think Carolann didn’t want to drive that night either. Amanda emailed that she was going to visit her mother.

Bob didn’t have anything to read, but told us about spending many hours watching a documentary about Dachau, a Nazi extermination camp during WWII.

Margaret read her next Peabody chapter. Marie goes to visit the gypsy/clairvoyant who lives in rather a posh residence. She wants to know where the brass button is. Claire, the gypsy, is well dressed and bejeweled as she reads from her crystal ball. She tells Marie the button is in an enclosure, and that Marie will receive a marriage proposal. Marie is excited as she harbours a love for Rev. Peabody. Marie then visits Peasly and Peacock to ask them to give the dog and the bird each a laxative.

I read Chapter 50 in my novel. This sees Cam trying to get information about Lucy or to visit her, to no avail. Because she is a victim of violence, she is prohibited from any visitors but her father. An ambulance arrives with Lucy’s brother Rick badly injured from crashing his truck when police were pursuing him. The cop who arrives with Rick is able to give Cam some information on Lucy. Later Miles and Tanner show up, and Tanner offers to take Cam in to see Lucy. Just one Chapter left to write.

Sure hope the weather warms up and stops being a threat to travel. And also hope winter weather hasn’t stopped anyone from writing. Next meeting here at my place, Thursday, February 7th, at 7:00 p.m. That is the Chinese New Year, and it is the year of The Rat. Come to the meeting wearing red to scare away evil spirits and bad fortune. If you want a new beginning, wear all new clothes head to toe. Hope to see you Thursday. KUNG HEI FAT CHOI!
