Saturday, May 21, 2011



Since Ellie and Jason both said they would not attend Wednesday’s meeting because they wanted to watch the hockey game, I did have the T.V. turned to the game, but muted. That way we could catch the score but still talk about writing.

I had been away last weekend and came home sick, so I hadn’t written anything. Bob has been watching baseball so his writing takes back seat. Anne Berrie says she was having trouble letting go of the mindset that comes from only writing fact. We encouraged her to give fiction a try and experience how freeing it can be to suddenly realize you don’t have to answer to anyone else’s parameters of truth. Go ahead, tell all the lies you want! You have permission.

Jim was the only one with anything to read. He is busy with the first draft on his third novel in the Coventry Ghosts series. He did read to us Chapter 2 of Coventry Ghosts 2, which gave the background story of Sara, the kitten ghost. Jim says this second novel in the series is from the kitten’s perspective.

We had a long discussion about query letters and the process of submissions. Jim has done lots of research on the appropriate agents to submit to for his genre, and has verified that they all belong to AAR, the Association of Authors’ Representatives. He submitted his first novel to an agent in New York who responded to his query several weeks ago, and is still waiting to hear the verdict.

Next Meeting will be Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. at my place. If the Canucks are playing, I will turn the tube on, but with volume muted, so watching the game is no excuse to stay away. Even if we haven’t written anything, we can always discuss something about writing and/or getting published. If we don’t have our own writing to showcase, it’s still important to support those who have written something. It’s not fair when we abandon the other writers when we ourselves lag in the production of prolific recorded verbosity. Hope to see you June 1st.


Thursday, May 5, 2011



The women have deserted me. I was alone here with the men at last night’s meeting, and my husband was out of town. Tsk. Tsk. As my mother would have said. The funny thing was that Bryon was working at a mill up in Quesnel and ran into Margaret’s son, Marshall, while we were sitting here reading Margaret’s latest installment in “Coffin And Dye”. How’s that for coincidence?

I read Margaret’s chapter “Ghosts At The Hamlet” where Coffin and Tootsie rush back to the constabulary because they were told Arthur, her dog, had been found. But when they arrived, a woman brought in a black cat that Tootsie was allergic to. She was very upset. The officer read the original report, and nowhere did it say the missing animal was a dog. Coffin was annoyed, but refused to fill out a complaint for which he would have to attend a meeting with a Board. They returned home. But Tootsie went back on her own to fill out the complaint.

Jim shared with us his query letter that elicited a request for his manuscript. Congratulations! It was very well written and now I have to rewrite my own, especially since I received another rejection for my novel.

I am entering a story of less than 750 words in the contest at Polar Expressions. I had three to choose from and asked the boys to help me decide which to enter. They had previously heard “Next Sunday” and “Watching a Veteran’s Parade”, and last night I read “Freedom” a story about a homeless man. They were unanimous in choosing “Freedom” as my entry.

Bob read more from his personal history and we learned about all the young military personnel (soldiers, sailors, airmen) that used to visit their home during the War. Most of these men were friends of his older stepsister. She eventually found one she married.

Also, a belated happy birthday to Bob. His 79th birthday was on Monday, May 2nd, and his family helped him celebrate with delicious ice cream cake.

Jason didn’t read. His time has been consumed with other adventures, which I’ve told him he must write about.

Our next Meeting will be Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. Hope to see you then.
