Sunday, May 5, 2013



Wendy and Ellie joined me Wednesday for a cozy Meeting with just the three of us ladies present. Sadly, Jim is struggling with health issues re his kidneys again, and we all wish him the very best of health very soon. And Jason is still busy with his son’s ball hockey Wednesday evenings, as well as getting his web site up and running in anticipation of author fame when he publishes his novel. Self-promotion can be such a chore.  Haven’t heard from anyone else.

I read first, another one of my ‘Honey’ stories. This was called “Five Star Day” and was about Honey being retired for a month and needing to go to his cabin at Green Lake in search of some purpose to his life besides spending hours testing all the used pens he’s collected through the years.

Ellie read a story she started writing for young children. She had personalized two grey squirrels, not native to B.C. One was pushy and rather mean to another red squirrel, who was a native of the area and was concerned about the destruction the grey squirrel was causing to the environment to build his gym. Ellie said she was hoping to show the effects of bullying in her story.

Wendy read a sad poem about the passing of her daughter’s much loved dog at the age of fourteen. In the poem, Wendy seems to be giving the dog’s spirit permission to leave this world after giving so much joy to those who loved it.

In the May issue of Today’s Senior Newsmagazine, another three articles by Margaret Moffatt have been published. One is about the history of Soda Creek in the Cariboo and another is about Big Lake/Beaver Valley. The third is a history about “The Loo”. Every time Margaret sends articles, she thinks they will be published one at a time, but not so. She thinks perhaps the paper has space that needs filling.

Next Meeting will be here at my place on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you then, after all the sunshine has inspired the writer in you.
