Saturday, June 7, 2008



The cold and wet weather notwithstanding, Bob and Margaret joined me Thursday night for a meeting. Bob brought a book for Gemma, “Lonesome”, which is a first person dog story set in B.C. But Gemma has to come to a meeting to get it. I’ll have to write a story about blackmail sometime.

Bob brought along his story “Going Downtown”, which he had asked Susan to critique. She had made some changes, maybe not understanding he had written this piece first person from his experience as a five year old. We suggested Bob do some re-writing and clarify for the reader right at the beginning that the narrator is a five year old male child, so that following observations make sense to the reader.

Margaret had another Peabody story, “Mr. Lamb’s Still”, and she had drawings of a still to show us. As she read, we heard of Peasly, Peacock and Mr. Lamb planning a party to celebrate Peabody’s engagement to Marie, but without actually mentioning the engagement. The party took place at Mr. Lamb’s home, with the overproof spirits from his still as the main refreshment. Peabody enjoyed the party and all the congratulations, even when he won a dart game, but still didn’t know everybody thought he was going to marry Marie.

I read chapters 3 – 5 in my novel, mostly dealing with the scene of the second fire in the strata complex that Fiona manages, and giving background information. Bob said it reads much better than he had remembered it and Margaret did feel the suspense as I was reading. So there you go, it probably works better as a whole story than just single chapter selections. Continuity may be important in reading a novel.

I sent an update on The Ram’s Head listing to Lois Peterson. LPWordsolutions gives a listing of writing groups in the Lower Mainland, as does the website for The Federation of B.C. Writers, the latter updated by Sylvia Taylor. Lois and Sylvia are both creative writing teachers based in Surrey.

Next meeting here at my place Thursday, June 19th at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we would love to see you.


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