Sunday, August 10, 2008



Bob and Margaret showed up faithfully Thursday night in spite of the heat wave. He brought a number of 3-ring binders he gave to me and Margaret, and some magazines I will send to some soldiers.

Margaret said she was writing an article about the Wigwam Inn at the north end of Indian Arm. Bob brought in a map to show her its location. Margaret and I both remembered visiting the Wigwam when it served as a tea room, a day trip by boat up the Arm. Bob remembered there being a bar in the basement, and a bartender who drank all the leftover dregs from visitors’ glasses. He said it was also a cat house in its timel. He thinks it is now owned by a yacht club.

Many thanks to Susan for all the lovely pictures she sent showing scenes from their holiday on the west coast of Newfoundland.

Ann spent some time in Gimli, Manitoba, connecting with family she had never met and learning more of her Icelandic heritage.

Margaret read first, “Marigold’s Date”. To thank her for the ride to the stag party, Rev. Peabody was taking Marigold to a play in London. She had to buy new clothes for this overnight trip with the man she hoped to marry. She bought traveling clothes, evening dress, and brand new undergarments. But then Peabody was asked to do a eulogy at a funeral, so he told Marigold he would meet her in London. She traveled alone, and he arrived late and then took her to a lowly restaurant for dinner instead of to the hotel dining room. They attended a risqué play about Adam and Eve, and Peabody said he couldn’t stay to continue watching, especially after Eve made a remark to Adam when he dropped his leaf that he had neither of his nethers. Then Marigold learns Peabody isn’t even staying at the same hotel as her. She’s affronted, but stays to watch the play. And then Jasper, who had sold her the new clothes, takes the empty seat beside her.

I read Chapters 9 and 10 from my novel, where Fiona meets with the Fire Chief and then has the Detective’s car towed off site, thinking it is an errant visitor parking in the roadway. And Cam is at home and tries coping with the family that is burned out of their Unit, and then a resident Fiona had just fined, as well as the Detective wanting to know where his car is.

After reading the submission information to the Poetry Institute’s creative writing contest that Margaret had forwarded, I submitted 3 entries. Deadline is August 11th, and today is the 10th.

Next meeting is here at my place on Thursday, August 21st, at 7:00 p.m. Hope your Muse will bring you along that evening.


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