Sunday, November 9, 2008



In spite of the heavy rain, Bob and Margaret joined me for a meeting of three on Thursday.

Bob read first, listing three different jewellery manufacturers. They were Birkett & Cobold, Dave Manson, and H.J. Anstie. Bob is finding it hard slogging collecting information for his informal history. It’s hard to get motivated to search the archives for the data he thinks he needs. He finds that endeavor very dry and boring. Hmmm. Maybe the project needs a rethink.

Margaret read another chapter from her Peabody collection, entitled “Ghosts”. The collapse of the mine under the cemetery disturbed a bunch of ghosts, which started haunting the residents of Wickerton. Residents were all relating tales of being haunted by spirits in their own homes. Sir Charles Coffin, Baronet of London, was called in to help with the situation. There were quite a few characters in this chapter, all with names starting with the letter “C”. As a listener, it was difficult to keep straight who was who. It might be easier to do so when reading the actual words on the page. We suggested Margaret change a few names. She said she would do that and then we can compare the two versions to see which reads best.

I read chapter 14 from my novel, “Fire”. Cam arrives home just after 10:00 p.m. after he gets off work at the bowling alley, and finds his Mom isn’t there. The answering machine has a nasty message threatening his Mom, and he starts to panic, wondering where she is. Lucy, his girlfriend arrives, and tries to calm him down. He eventually phones the Detective to ask if he knows where his Mom might have gone. The Detective says he’ll have her call him. When she calls right away, he clues in to the fact his Mom is with the Detective, having dinner. He’s not impressed, but no longer afraid for her safety. He turns his attention to Lucy and takes her jacket. A lighter falls out of her pocket, but she doesn’t smoke. He wonders what else he doesn’t know about her, and wonders if she has anything to do with the fires.

On Friday, I picked up the November issue of Today’s Senior Newsmagazine at the IHOP restaurant in Langley, and was pleased to see Gemma’s story “How My Sister Saved Her Marriage?” was in it on Page 6. Congratulations Gemma!

I had a request from a writing website called Writing Raw to exchange links. Unfortunately, since Sonny, our administrator, is still in Afghanistan I have no way of updating our website until he returns next spring, except for using this blog. He can’t do it from over there, and I’m not technically savvy enough to do it myself. This particular website is for writers who want to “meet” online and submit pieces and critique for others as well. I will forward the link to you in a separate email in case anyone is interested.

Next meeting will be Thursday, November 20th, here at my place at 7:00 p.m. May you all be motivated to write in the meantime. Love to see you on the 20th.


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