Monday, July 12, 2010



Our meeting last Wednesday was smaller in number, only four of us, but not in enthusiasm. Gemma, Bob and Margaret were here with me to enjoy a more leisurely get-together, and the strawberry shortcake I served as a treat. Jason said his wife was away on business and he was busy parenting that night. Jim had a previous engagement. Anne was unwell again with another cold. And Danny called Margaret and said not to pick him up to attend any more meetings.

Margaret read of Coffin going to speak at the British Society of Ghostly Encounters. Dye was wrong in his directions, and Coffin had a long walk from the train to the theater, where he was to change into his Duke of Cumberland costume. He changed and stood in the hall, waiting for his cue to go on stage, but ended up appearing as the Duke in a play instead of giving a talk about his ghostly encounters. He then missed the train home and ended up staying at the Stars Inn. The next day, Dye belatedly told him the Society cancelled their meeting.

Bob read more of his electronic difficulties. He lost his internet signal while watching a baseball game on his computer and his wife phoned the service provider where she was put on hold. Eventually she learned payments for the new PVR they had bought had not come out of their bank account automatically. Since Bob was behind in doing bank reconciliations, he was not aware they were behind on payments. Consequently, the service had been terminated on a Wednesday. Of course Bob made the necessary payments and service was eventually restored on the Saturday, in time for him to watch a 4:00 baseball game. Now we are waiting for Bob to write about his escapade buying a new stove.

Gemma read the final chapter of the gigolo Bob defrauding Barbara. He takes her to a picnic in Stanly Park, and then to Hastings racetrack. He tells her he has a sure bet on No. 2 in the 5th race. She gives him $10,000.00 to place a bet. No. 2 wins the race but is then disqualified and No. 3 is first. Bob had placed her money on No. 3, but tells her he is sorry she lost all her money. Gemma said the novel continues with Bob swindling money from other people. So we don’t know yet if he gets caught.

I have to write something under 750 words on the topic of ‘ears’. Margaret and Gemma and Bob were generous with suggestions so we will see what I come up with.

Next meeting will be here at my place on Wednesday, July 21st at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you then.


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