Sunday, November 21, 2010



Three of us kept the fires of creativity burning at our Meeting on Wednesday. Bob and Jason joined me and we all had something to read. Margaret was still not well. Ellie is still otherwise occupied. Jim worked a very long day and wasn’t able to attend. And I don’t know about anybody else. I’ve had three ladies ask about joining the group, but so far none of them have arrived at the door.

For a change, I read first, the third chapter in “Nigel Wingate Is Dead”. Jason asked me all sorts of questions about what I hoped to do with this story which made me think more deeply about it. He thought I should start with a scene I want to use for the climax of the story, and then tell retrospectively how that happened. But Bob thought that would detract from the suspense of the mystery. I did say I wanted to show the disintegration of a family, step by step. So far I’ve written in first person, past tense, but I may have to switch and rewrite in third person, past tense, so I can include all I want to show. Have to think about it some more.

Bob had three pieces to read. They are in response to a request from the Vancouver Historical Society Newsletter for articles under 450 words about the history of Vancouver. Bob’s first story was “Visiting The Aorangi” about he and a female friend going aboard a docked liner in 1951 and being given a guided tour of the former WWII troop ship. The second story was “Wreck Beach” and Bob’s experience there cooking potatoes in the coals of a fire with his Scout troop in 1944. And the third story was “My Memories of David Spencer Dept. Store”, where he used to go shopping with his father. He loved the Christmas displays and having lunch in their dining room with a bank of windows overlooking the water. It became an Eatons store in 1948.

Jason read Chapter 3 of “Provoked” which now has this part of the novel focused in a totally different plane of existence with different characters. It shows us the people of the Nornir and The Source, a piece of which is in the necklace worn by Jodie, in the earthly realm, portending the conflict about to ensue. The writing was nice and tight and portrayed the menace they are all facing.

Our next Meeting will be Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. at my place. Hope to see you then.

I did ask if people want that to be the last Meeting of the year, or if they still want one on December 15th as well ? It was suggested I pose the question in this blog. What are your thoughts? Do you want a little holiday celebration where everyone brings a snack? Or would you rather have the time free for other pursuits? And if we have a Meeting on the 15th, who would attend? I would appreciate your response on this, either way, RSVP. Thanks.

Happy Writing to you all.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa

If there will be a meeting on the 15th, then I will happily attend (barring anymore family interference) and can bring some tasty treat to share.


Anonymous said...

I would rather the 1st be our last meeting and that we bring our treats next week, but will bow to the will of the majority.
