Saturday, April 23, 2011



Bob and Barinder and I held the fort here for The Muse on Wednesday. It was more of a social evening for a change.

Barinder read a poem of hers titled “Us” that starts out with racial undertones and then speaks of the narrator being thawed and then consumed by love, but eventually grows barbs and attacks the lover and is then discarded and ‘rusts’. I thought the poem was excellent but Bob didn’t understand it. We told him it was a woman’s thing to see the meaning.

Also, Barinder told us she wrote an article, “The Therapeutic Effects Of Art-making In Patients With Cancer”, which is being published in the next issue of ARTS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY. Congratulations!

The other good news is that Jim has had a request for his manuscript for “Coventry Ghosts” from an agent he sent a query to. That is amazing, too. Congratulations to Jim as well!

Bob and I didn’t read, but I did have some things to handout. When I attended the session on Memoir writing given by Ed Griffin, he kindly gave us some notes on the topic which I was willing to share. I also had another copy of a query letter that had elicited a request to read the manuscript. That letter was written by a member of The Murrayville Library Writers’ Group.

Very kindly, Bob made a point of telling me that meeting as The Ram’s Head Writers’ Group since 2003, he has often seen dramatic improvements in the quality of writing put out by our members. That was good to know. Thank you for saying that. And my thanks, too, for the lovely flowers you brought from your garden.

Next Meeting will be Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m. at my place. Look forward to seeing you then.


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