Friday, November 18, 2011



Yes! I’m all in favour of writers asserting their right to protest by using the written word to occupy the page. With a tarp of verbosity we will shelter all the homeless manuscripts addicted to their narcissism. We will insist on our democratic right to anarchy! We must be heard, but only by invitation issued to the press, and never off the recorded page! Now calling all Rams! OCCUPY THE PAGE! RESIST EVICTION! FOREVER THE PRINTED WORD!

Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist.

Had an awesome Meeting Wednesday. Anne, Julie, Bob, Jim and Jason joined me, in spite of the rain.

Anne updated us on the pending court case against a Strata Council and a Strata Manager who have been harassing a condominium owner. It goes to court Dec. 8th and we’re all waiting to hear the outcome. This is a true event on which Anne’s story is based.

I read my next chapter in “Nigel Wingate Is Dead” where Nigel meets with his friend who is a lawyer. He tells the friend about Dee and her drowning her child and then his being visited by the R.C.M.P. asking questions about it. He wants to protect Dee. But the friend informs him he could be charged with being an accessory after the fact, and that the only way he can avoid being compelled to testify against Dee if she is caught and tried is if he marries her.

Also, I was informed by Polar Expressions that my short story, about the homeless man in Langley, made Honourable Mention in their contest. That is a step up for me, as the last time I entered a story of mine, it was included in their anthology, but was not a winner.

Next I read Margaret’s “Goodbye Thomas Turnkey”. This chapter is the funeral of Mr. Turnkey where The Reverend now asserts his belief in ghosts, astounding everyone. He then tells Coffin, who he thinks is Bob, that his task is to pull a wagon with Turnkey’s coffin up the hill to reach the graveyard. Coffin asks why not drive it there in a hearse, and The Reverend tells him they can’t afford the hearse. He is left in the cold and the snow to pull the wagon.

Jason read his chapter “Revealed” where Gregg’s great grandmother decides to do some housecleaning and finds a key that leads to a secret cupboard in the cellar where she finds several containers that had belonged to Jody’s parents. She opens one and is amazed by a book that seems to be alive. She remembers Jody’s father saying that Jody must have this book, that it was the veiled story of them all.

Jim read his Ch. 11 that shows Sara teaching Karly how to maneuver as a ghost and Karly teaching Sara how to read. They seem to be developing a friendship, and Sara invites Karly to the coffee shop to meet the others.

Julie read a poem of hers titled “The Eyes”. Each sentence is an example of how the eyes mirror the soul in each of these varied life experiences. The poem includes some profound observations by the writer.

Bob had re-written some of his personal history. He is now telling the beginning years from the point of view of the young child, where he tells us his name is Bobby and his big brother is Alfie, and that he only remembers his mother once when they were having breakfast, and then the second time when he kissed her goodbye in the hospital.

Bob said he saw an article of Margaret’s in the November issue of Today’s Senior Newsmagazine. Regarding my novel “Fire”, I had been querying agents by email and was not at all sure my queries were being read. However, I recently received a rejection from one agent after waiting six months. So I suppose I could always receive an acceptance after waiting that long, too. Right?

Next Meeting will be Wednesday, December 7th at 7:00 p.m. here at my place, weather permitting. That will be the only meeting in December, so if you want to make it our Christmas celebration and bring a snack or something festive, by all means do so. Julie had asked me if she could bring something.

Hope to see you December 7th, and in the meantime OCCUPY THE PAGE!

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