Sunday, March 24, 2013



It was the first day of Spring when six of us met on Wednesday. We shared a lot of laughs.

Wendy read first, a poem entitled “Pour Me A Cup”. The writer asks for a different beverage to go with different aspects of life, and at the end of life simply asks for a cup of kindness. Loved this poem.

Ron read a chapter in his novel “Stalwart Peasant” about his ancestors who immigrated to Canada from Hungary in the early part of the 20th century. He tells us about the recruiting agent who enticed immigrants with tales of how wonderful life was in Canada, and who told Joseph he was confident he could get Visas for Joseph’s two oldest sons who were of military age and consequently prevented from leaving by the government. We all enjoyed the rich account of history here.

Ellie started reading her poem “Rhythm By A Nature Path”. We were all enjoying the sensual flow of words describing nature, when she came to an abrupt halt. She hadn’t brought the second page of her poem so couldn’t finish reading it to us. Too funny.

Jason read Ch. 33, “Hell” from his novel. This chapter tells about Damianos, and how as a child he lost his family to the angoros, and how he still yearns to save his little sister. But his memories are jarred by the roar and flames from the dragon, who tells him he has failed. We were surprised to see the softer side of Damianos in this chapter.

I read next, another Honey story called “Malfunction”. I tell of an episode here at our house where we had a massive electrical failure due to a failed ground wire connector buried outside that Honey had trouble finding. When I read of him running around the yard stabbing the lawn with a pitch fork to find the metal plate covering, we all started laughing and I couldn’t continue reading. Thankfully, Wendy finished reading the story for me. I guess that was the true test of writing humour, that everybody laughed. I intend to call this collection of stories “Honey Signed The Waiver”, but Honey wants to know if the waiver is valid if he signed it before I wrote the story?

Jim read Ch. 27, where Launi, the CSIS agent, requests a demonstration by the ghost caterers so that her own staff would feel comfortable with the situation. The ghosts recruited were young and boisterous. A staff member in the physical world complained about being chased around the mansion by fine porcelain and a corn broom. Very funny.

Our next Meeting will be Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. Look forward to seeing you then. This will be the last Meeting before I have surgery April 9th. Hopefully I will recover quickly and we can resume meeting in May. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Take care and don’t let that sun peeking through stop you from writing!


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