Sunday, June 22, 2014



Six of us Rams met on Wednesday to share our written musings, although Wendy and I didn’t have any writing of our own to read.

Kristi read to us the latest in “Jane And The Midnight Daisies”. Jane awakes on the hill with the daisies, near dawn. To escape them, she has agreed to bring them humans to devour, but hopes to renege once she gets away. They tell her though, that they can control her in her mind and torment her with nightmares, but they will give her some time before she has to comply as they are not yet hungry. Scary damned flowers!

Kristi also read a short piece from a writing promtp that was “Dust And Dead Ends”. It’s about a girl walking on the road barefoot, trying to escape an abusive man she lives with, but he stops beside her in his pick-up truck, and she obediently gets in. This could be the beginning of a longer story.

Jason was just back from Germany on Tuesday and hadn’t done any writing, still suffering from jet lag. He read to us about Leigia in love, from his blog. It is a sensual bit of character development that was not included in the novel. Jason thought it too racy for young adults.

Leah’s art project is progressing, and there will be consecutive showing probably till this time next summer. And she also has volunteers to do voiceover on the video. Way to go, Leah!

She also read to us her first chapter from “Bonguetopia”. It introduces Tally and his grandfather who are reading some very dull history book about the Bard. We also found the history book a little too much, and asked to hear more about Tally, and why he’s desperate to know more about the Bard. Since this is only Leah’s first draft, we know there can be many changes yet to come.

Annette read the next chapter in “A Taste Of Wormwood”. Inside the secret room, Alyssa turns on all the monitors that show different parts of the house, and listens in on the exchange between John and the two policemen. John doesn’t let on she is in the house. After the cops leave Alyssa questions John about his brother Mike, and learns both he and John are police officers, that Mike was undercover with West’s crime organization but was compromised and is now hiding. He tells Alyssa she will be there alone for Christmas when he takes Carrie to visit their parents. And he tells her the only other cop he trusts is Carl Jackson. Yes, the plot thickens.

Annette also brought her laptop and showed us adorable pictures of her brand new grandson.

Jim had phoned to say he was knee deep in yard work and couldn’t make the meeting. We missed him.

The next Meeting of The Rams will be Wednesday, July 2nd at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. Hope to see you then. Happy Canada Day in the meantime!

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