Saturday, November 21, 2015



We had a great Meeting Wednesday night. Margaret, Jason, Annette and Charity all joined me with The Muse in tow.

Margaret read first, a fictional short story based on the popular suspicion that the mother was the one who killed the two children in the ‘Babes In The Wood’ unsolved murder. The story depicts the stark reality of life on float houses on False Creek, under the Burrard Street Bridge in 1947. It showed a desperate woman with two children trying to survive, living with a man on his float house. He tells her to take her kids and leave and she turns her fury and despair on her children. The story is mesmerizing in its desolation. We hope Margaret can find somewhere for it to be published as we all thought it was a story that needs to be shared.

To lighten the mood and avoid comparison in quality of writing, I read my story “Clueless” from my ‘Honey’ stories. This is the second story in my collection and is a viewing of Honey’s character quirks that can be both maddening and hilarious. It talks about laundry and cell phones and lost keys and dirty tracks on the clean floor and, of course, his need for a beer. Charity said the stories feel ‘homey’ to her. Comfortable. I hope that’s good.

Jason read the next chapter in his novel. This is a scene with Damianos trying to get Kwen to tell him what planet they are on and who populates it. There is a lot of sexual tension between the two and she very reluctantly tells him, but he still doesn’t know why he’s there. Charity observed there was a lot of information dumped on the reader in this scene, and thinks it could be done differently so as not to detract from the sexual nuances between the two characters. Something to think about.

Annette read the first two chapters of her new novel “Within The Tangles”, a novel of abused children who all end up in the same counselling session. It starts out showing us eight year old Janna and sixteen year old Abby, two cousins. Janna is motherless, and her father is hospitalized. Abby learns her mother is turning tricks in their own home when she walks in early one day with Janna in tow. In defiance, Abby falls in with a much older boyfriend. Readers fear for the safety of both these girls.

Charity read another scene from her book showcasing Hornby Island. It is the day after the storm, summer tourists are gone but the weather is still summery. We learn seventeen year old Percy had been sent to the island to live with her grandfather by her own father in Vancouver. She meets a boy by the store and would like to get to know him, but he collects his art materials and runs off. She hates being cold so stays away from the water, and goes mountain boarding instead. After a tumble, she runs into the boy again and tells him she has some of his art supplies in her car and invites him to follow her. This scene showed more of the island and how laid back it is compared to Vancouver. I told Charity I was having trouble seeing an aim to the story, that it just seemed to meander. Unless, of course, its purpose is to be a relationship between Percy and the boy! Their meeting was definitely the point where I thought something was going to happen.

Had a phone call last week from Bob Jacoby to say his beloved poodle, Sydney, had passed away. A number of Rams had met Sydney when Bob hosted a Meeting at his home once, a number of years ago. We are sorry to hear she is gone.

The next Meeting will be Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. That will be our last Meeting before Christmas. Hope to see you then.

Lisa A. Hatton

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