Friday, January 22, 2016



Jason, Charity and Sandy Campbell, a new member, joined me Wednesday for the Ram’s Meeting. Sandy did ask what things inspired us to write? She was thinking more of colours, or odors, or other sensory stimuli. I gave the matter some thought and I know that if something in daily life bothers me, I want to turn it into humorous writing so I can laugh about it. But I am also inspired to write when I sense an injustice, or when I want to capture a picture of some moment that moved me, or when I want to tell of an event that caught my attention. Sometimes that need to write comes out in poetry, or non-fiction or fiction. It’s kind of amazing the ingredients that go into that pot I stir. So what moves you to take fingers to keyboard or pen to paper?

Jason read his next chapter about Damianos and Kwen. He tells her he can read the coin that contains the secret of where the holy city is, but she doesn’t believe him. The coin is dropped in the water, Kwen passes out, other warriors appear, Damianos is attacked. This chapter ups the tension in the story and with a twist at the end, leaves the reader wanting to know what happens next. It is well written and guaranteed to be a page turner.

I read next, two of my recently edited ‘Honey’ stories. The first story was “One Man’s Haven” about Honey preparing for a winter trip to his cabin at Green Lake and my being very happy for him by the time he actually gets out the door and leaves. The second story was “Only Ten Dollars” about a prolonged and expensive DIY project making a coffee table from a $10.00 purchase at a garage sale.

Charity read to us the background stories for some of her characters in “Salt Water Mermaid”. The first background was about Ma Mere and Jackie, the grandparents of Persephone, who is the main character. The second backstory was about the Sea Witch, who is the other grandmother of Persephone, who longs to return to the sea and take her offspring with her. The first background was told in 3rd person past tense. The second one was told in first person present tense, and was far more riveting. Charity said she thinks that for young adult fiction, editors are currently preferring books written in 1st person present tense.

Sandy didn’t read anything and says she is still mulling over how she wants to tell her stories. She has been a professional driver and travelled all over the continent, so she has many stories to draw from. We hope to hear some of them soon.

Margaret Moffatt had an article on the history of Ashcroft in the January issue of Today’s Senior Newsmagazine. That issue I found at Comfort Plus in downtown Langley when I went to purchase an exercise pulley. Margaret’s words get around, that’s for sure!

Kristi is still studying for her dental hygiene exam, but hopes to be done by the end of February. We are hoping to see her return to us in March. Christine Potter was not well and we wish her a speedy recovery. Annette was busy helping a friend and then came down with a cold herself. We haven’t heard anything from Margaret F. Hope she’s fine.

The next Meeting will be Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. Hope to see you then. May your ink flow freely onto your paper or your fingers fly fleetly across your keyboard as you are inspired to record your creative thoughts!

Lisa A. Hatton

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