Thursday, October 19, 2017



In spite of the deluge of rain over the past few days, there were six of us here last night in honour of The Muse. Kay brought Marie Hooper and Monique to join Annette, Luke and myself.

Annette read first, Chapter 7 of her novel. After being told to leave the hospital and go home and rest, Maxine spends time cleaning up the mess Jarod had left in the apartment and feeling desolate. She can’t understand why there were dirty dishes in the kitchen but didn’t dwell on it. To assert her right to her own space, she puts her own grad picture up and moves Jarod’s pictures out of the way. In this chapter, Max was remembering how Jarod had pushed her friends away and belittled Maxine. I suggested the chapter would be stronger if some of those memories included the actual words he said to her, rather than just a generalized reference. Otherwise, we are getting a picture of how she may have been abused verbally and mentally and how depressed she is feeling.

Kay gave us some information about her scriptwriting of “Porcelain”. She’s been working on character development and said she had to change the background of her heroine from Asian to Irish to make her more believable in the movie industry. Apparently young Asian women are not considered to be independent, motivated, and innovative enough for the adventures of this character. Kay also said the characters have to be relatable to an international audience as well, citing European countries. I thought it sad that not all women can be considered equal heroine material just because of their ethnic background. Fortunately, though, novel writing doesn’t have that same stricture.

Luke told us he is attending the Surrey International Writers’ Conference this weekend and will be pitching his novel “The Heart Of The Earth” to an agent. He read the pitch to us, about Goren and his part of the world that had been separated from the rest, and people trying to kill him and people trying to save him and his needing to know why all this is happening. It was a strong pitch and we hope he does well convincing the agent to ask to see the novel.

Monique said she is interested mainly in writing songs, specifically the poetry for lyrics. She was just observing and taking notes last night.

Marie said her background includes both Native and Scottish and she is deeply interested in writing a book about the evolution of the Kwikwetlem First Nation and how things have progressed on their two reserves, one in Coquitlam and one in Port Coquitlam. She wants to include history (specifically about the status of native women and the residential schools and adoptions), personal stories, folklore, and the most recent developments that are now so hopeful for a better future. We hope to hear how she progresses with this.

I read a short story I recently wrote called “What Is This Place?” It’s about a retired sociologist being confused in how to define a local diner with Karaoke and a bar where all sorts of people fill the place up and sing and eat and drink and dance. Children are included. Customers clear tables or help themselves. Staff and cooks and the owner all get up to sing. Everybody knows everybody else. Of course, this was my lightly fictionalized account of what I’ve seen at a local restaurant in Langley City, which others last night recognized.

Charity was unable to attend last night but she is also going to the Surrey International Writers’ Conference. She will be a volunteer there.

As he was leaving last night, Luke mentioned that he was the only male writer with five female writers. I gave Luke some of my cards to distribute at the SIWC to other male writers he may meet. They include mention that I host The Ram’s Head Writers’ Group. So if any of you know other male writers who would like to come to meetings and give us a more gender balanced viewpoint, do invite them.

The next Meeting will be Wednesday, November 1st at 7:00 p.m. here at my place. Happy writing and only eat a lot of Halloween candy if it makes the words flow!

Lisa A. Hatton

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